My artistic ancestors are the landscape painters, and all the very best have a strongly rooted sense of place.
While John Constable’s contemporaries flocked to the Alps, he wrote, “I should paint my own places best, for painting is with me but another word for feeling.” His own places, like my Memphis, are flat and unglamorous but full of quiet beauty.
While John Constable’s contemporaries flocked to the Alps, he wrote, “I should paint my own places best, for painting is with me but another word for feeling.” His own places, like my Memphis, are flat and unglamorous but full of quiet beauty.
Georgia O’Keeffe discovered her particular landscape instead of being born into it, but it shaped both her work and her identity for the rest of her life.
Walter Anderson studied painting abroad but chose to return and make exuberant art of his beloved Horn Island and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. He created magic from the sometimes unregarded beauty of pine trees and barrier islands and the prehistoric pelicans that inhabit them.