I went without sketching for at least a week after my long trip because I came home to full on family events and house guests. Joyful for sure, but I've also enjoyed getting back to sketching in my daily(ish) life. The first was a forest walk and sketch of the colors changing and a couple of great tree trunks. I started using pencils more with my paints (mostly Inktense water soluble pencils) on the museum trip, and I've kept enjoying them. I like the extra texture they bring. Next is a farm sketch from Saturday. I went out and had a great visit with my folks, a great walk with Henry (we spotted the Christmas tree I want, though I'm not going to cut it yet), and a little bit of sketching time for me. Last is also pencils, using more colors than just one or two base ones. It's the view from the deck of Casablanca yesterday. I had a lovely time sitting out in perfect weather, drinking tea and having lunch and sketching with my best sketching buddy Christina. Always a pleasure.
I spent a ton of time this year drawing individual letters, coloring them by hand, and scanning them in and then having to clean up the scanner noise. I had done one experiment years ago to put lettering over a background, and it occurred to me yesterday that I could paint strips of color and scan in black and white text and fill in with my prepared strips instead of doing each letter separately. So these images.... became these: In order to make the image/logo image background transparent in Photoshop try the following: 1.Right click the image layer in Photosho or use the dropdown layer menu to select ‘Layer From Background’. 2.Select the Magic Wand Tool from the left panel and select the image area you want to be transparent using the Magic Wand Tool. Once selected, click ‘Delete’ on your keyboard. With that done you should see the transparent background (a checkerboard pattern) around the image.If some background areas remained non-transparent, repeat the magic wand for each of those areas. 3. Drag in the background image you want to use and size it behind your main image (or just use the paint bucket to drop a solid color there). 4. Use the paint bucket outside your image (in this case around the letters) to drop white or whatever background color you choose. If your color is digital, it will be one smooth transition. The variations and grainiess in the watercolor meant I had to use the paint bucket on numerous areas and then clean up small bits with the eraser tool, but it's worth it for the paint-on-paper look I want. Finally I drug that whole block of text into the bookmark I've designed to hand out at the book party Burke's is giving me on Thursday, December 5th from 5-8pm. It's part of Cooper Young Night Out, so stores will be open late and Santa will be in the pavilion. I've never had a book party before, and I'm super excited, which is why I'm diving in with this extra bit of fun. Here's the back of my bookmark to go with my new book: I got fired up about the possibilities for this last night, and I decided to make a digital font of these bubble letters that I can just type into Photoshop (once I download my font) and then fill with my paint samples. I got iFontmaker from the Apple store a couple of years ago and have been playing with making my own handwriting font. It's a super easy to use, draw with your finger on a phone or (recommended) a tablet kind of program. The web addresses on the bookmark are in a font I made called Memoir (which is a free download if anyone wants it just for fun). I've drawn out half of this new alphabet. I did all these letters for P is for Possum, for the cover of Memoir of a House and for Portal, and then all the letters in M is for Memphis. I think I'll use it enough for it to be worth the trouble. This is the fun kind of rabbit hole you can go down with your main show (Rowan Oak, up into January at least) up on the walls already and your book in hand for the holidays. I always enjoy some extra play after a big push.
It's been a busy week of family in town for big birthdays plus doing the Metal Museum holiday artist market on Saturday. One huge moment for me was one of my nephews taking time out from a busy and fun party to go through M is for Memphis slowly page by page and then come and hug me afterwards. No better feeling.
This week I'm trying to organize my studio and house better and gear up for doing Winter Arts for the first time, a month long beautifully curated artist market in a different area of town than my normal shows, so definitely exciting. I'll be printing more cards and getting prints ready to take out there. Y'all, they've got M is for Memphis on the very front table RIGHT as you walk into Novel. And right next to Ann Patchett. I mean..... This is the bookstore I walked to in middle school, the place of my dreams, and it means so much.
I'm gearing up for the Metal Museum Holiday Artist Market this coming Saturday, November 9th, from 10-4. It's in their big wedding tent (so rain friendly) and a beautifully curated set of artists to fit in that just-right space. I did it last year for the first time and loved the selection of folks, the beauty of the surroundings, and the hospitality of the museum. I'll have a whole stack of my new M is for Memphis book, my Rowan Oak prints, a new dog print, and a bunch more. Set 374 Metal Museum Drive into your GPS for the easy way to get there. M is for Memphis is also fully stocked at Burke's and Novel and in my online store, and Burke's is giving me a book party to celebrate during the Holiday Cooper Young Night Out on Thursday, December 5 from 5-8pm. I'll have the original watercolors of Memphis places that went into the book for sale (I'm saving them for that evening), and all the stores around will be having special hours and events. Santa will be in the pavilion. Please come celebrate with me if you're able. I've never had a book party and am really thrilled Burke's invited me. The Faulkner's Trees exhibition is still up at Rowan Oak in Oxford, Mississippi, into January. It's the perfect time of year to visit the house, walk through the grounds to the university art museum (about 1/3 of a mile through Faulkner's own woods, the trail he used to walk to work himself) and drop through Square Books in town. My favorite day trip. And finally, for the first time, I'll be doing Winter Arts with my prints and all my books instead of just having a book or two on the counter somewhere. It will be in Saddle Creek this year daily from the Friday after Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve. I'll send more info closer to time. I've slowed down on the sketching as we've hit both some rain and some busy days, but I did get in this across-the-fields view of a farm down in the Skagit River delta. I love that area. The walk-in scale of the farms and the rows of poplars with large mountains and even bigger skies rising up as background. There aren't a ton of good places to pull over and park, and I rarely get a chance to sketch down that way, but this was from the nursery that we'd visited the previous week. We made a second stop to revisit their gift shop and let me do this sketch of a view I'd been thinking about ever since I was there. The linework is in Kaweko Paradise Blue ink that was my find of the summer. I like the way it melts a bit with the paint I put on top.
We also went on into Anacortes and got the last Sunday New York Times paper from the bookstore there, which is the only place in the region I've found that carries them. I'm happily reading on it this week, spreading it out till I get home to my regular subscription. I do love a real newspaper with breakfast. We've been making the rounds in Washington, visiting favorite restaurants and bookstores while I'm here. We took the girls to lunch at Slough Foods, a charming spot on a slough with outdoor seating and fantastic grilled cheese sandwiches. A few days later we visited the LaConner Brewing Co., which has a great rotating selection of hard ciders, and I tried their pizza for the first time, which was excellent. I've eaten more cheese in the last week than I have in the last month, but that's what vacation is for, I guess. We also stopped at a fun nursery with extensive grounds, an antique schoolhouse building, and a decidedly UK feeling gift shop. I'm still thinking about the Aran sweaters there, but I confined myself to sketching. Yesterday was two rainy soccer games, cheering on the girls, and hanging out with family. It was lovely. I'm feeling rested and ready to dive back into shows when I get home.
Rasar State Park is one of my favorite spots in Washington. It has forest, beach, river, and meadow with mountain views. On an unusually sunny afternoon for late October in the PNW I headed there to walk and sketch and drink in a bit of sunshine. There's a perfectly positioned picnic table, lovely for perching and sketching, that I drew the overall mountain and cloud view from. I did a couple of trees on a smaller path.
The tree watercolor uses Diamine Ancient Copper ink to its best advantage. I forget occasionally and try to use it with buildings, and it bleeds all over beejeezus, but it's perfect for the organic nature of trees. The day had a ton of moisture in the air, and the paint took forever to dry, which meant it would often bleed into the color next door. That totally worked on the tree sketch, a little less so on the landscapes, but it was an interesting challenge. The odd one out is a walnut ink sketch with a dip pen of a nurse stump. The stumps of fallen trees will often "nurse" a new tree growing up and out of them, and the visual effect is dramatic. I also love the symbolism of new life, or new opportunities springing forth out of destruction, as has happened more than once in my life. I walked three miles and did four sketches, and it was a total win of an afternoon. I'm so excited that my new book is here! At least the first 300 copies are. After Novel asked for 100 copies to start, I ordered more immediately, and hopefully they'll be here by the end of November (fingers crossed!). Both local bookstores, Burke's and Novel, have been completely supportive. Burke's has me scheduled for a book party for Cooper Young Night Out on Thursday, December 5th from 5-8pm. I'm going to take the individual watercolors I have from the book to sell as well and really make it a party. Not all the images will be there, since some are from my sketchbook and a handful are from previous commissions that I scanned in before delivering them to the buyers.
This book was so much fun to do. I couldn't even scratch the surface on all the cool places in Memphis, but I put in as many as I could fit. I hope everyone will enjoy it and use it as their jumping off place for exploring all their own favorites. I'm taking a second quick trip before the holiday sales start in earnest. Washington state is a little drizzly some days, but yesterday I caught a lovely sky walking across the boardwalk into Anacortes. It ended up being a perfect four mile walk that ended at Pelican Bay bookstore. I hit the Watermark bookstore too, for a New York Times, which I have to drive an hour for up here, so it was a pleasure to get the Sunday one for several days' worth of reading. I also hit an antique store on the way home and found a really beautiful set of bird china, cup and saucer, cream pitcher, and a sugar bowl with no lid, but it's perfect for setting the tea bags in after pulling them out of the pot, and I hated to strand it by itself. I've never seen china like this before, and it was just too lovely to leave. I did a celebratory sketch last night that got a little muddy (it's been good to get back to sketching after several turnaround days at home with lots of business to take care of), mostly because I chose a very bleed-y blue ink to start with, but it was still fun.
Day Four of my museum trip was back in the Nelson Atkins. I went through the remarkable Hokusai exhibition, which included his teachers, peers, and modern artists influenced by him as well as reams of his own work. It was stunning. I drank it in without sketching, moving back and forth and revisiting favorites before I exited. The museum cafe was much more crowded on a Saturday, so I bought a drink and another excellent scone to supplement the apple I had brought and took it out to a front patio shaded by cherry trees. I love the shuttlecock sculptures and took some lunch break drawing time before diving back in. I revisited favorites this last day. The stunning, dark Caravaggio of John the Baptist had been calling me since I arrived, so I took the time to settle on a handy bench and sketch it. Later I was wandering through the Egyptian section and drawn by this life sized relief from Nimrud. I sketched one of the museum goers with it. I had meant to include more, but people were so kind about not blocking my view that I really didn't get the chance. The black stone sculpture of Horace also enchanted me. I could spend a week in this museum without sketching everything I want to. I've made a commitment to myself to do more art trips within a day's drive of Memphis. It's so renewing for me to take time to sit with great art. I've been missing my European trips through covid, and I hope to get back sooner rather than later, but I should absolutely take advantage of the things closer to home as well. It was an early closing day at 5pm, and the light and evening were lovely. I sat out on the lawn and drew the shuttlecocks with more of the museum facade. I was tired, and it wasn't very good, but it felt nice to respond to all the art I'd seen by doing a little more sketching before driving home the next morning. What a treat of a trip. I met some lovely people that I wouldn't have talked to if I'd had a companion with me. People in groups are their own small bubbles moving through space. When you're alone, and often when I'm sketching, people feel much more comfortable having a conversation, and I had a great couple of conversations that started with my asking a museum guard a question as well. It's an unhurried, wide open way to walk into the world. I love trips I take with various friends and family, but I always love a solo trip too. Such a luxury to do exactly what is calling my name in any given moment.
![]() online store Martha Kelly is an artist and illustrator who lives and works in Memphis, Tennessee. Get occasional studio email updates. Categories
February 2025